Date(s) - 24/07/2023
10:00 am - 12:30 pm
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How easy would achieving Net Zero be if your budget was infinite? Unfortunately we are all constrained by budgets which are far from infinite and our success often depends on how cleverly we can use what’s at our disposal, piggyback on other funding streams or get external funding in. In the next meeting of the Corporate Sustainability Mastermind Group, we will be learning from each other’s hard won practical experiences on how to excel within financial constraints.
The Mastermind approach is simple – no Powerpoint or ‘experts’, rather we use a structured discussion to learn from each other. I facilitate the discussion and record learning points live. The Chatham House rule applies so you can talk freely. It is miles away from the death-by-bulletpoint and dreary networking drudgery of standard conferences and events and I can honestly say it is the best learning environment I have ever experienced.
The group is suitable for those delivering Sustainability within large organisations, but not consultants. It is delivered via Zoom.
Bookings are closed for this event.