12 for 2012
Here are 12 potential green business new year resolutions of varying ambition for your business – pick one and drive it through to get 2012 off to a sustainable start:
- Set some really ambitious stretch targets to hit by 2017 and 2022;
- Engage employees in a carbon/waste/water reduction programme – ask for ideas and use them;
- Instigate a carbon reduction competition between staff teams/sites;
- Be kind to cyclists: improve racks, start paying cycle mileage, subsidise cycle purchases, improve site access;
- Install/improve teleconferencing facilities;
- Radically increase the number of employees working from home;
- Work with a supplier to develop a more sustainable supply of raw materials/goods;
- Bump up the weight given to sustainability in supplier selection (and tell your suppliers);
- Initiate the development of a new, greener product, service and/or product service system;
- Delete an unsustainable product line;
- Install (more) on-site renewable energy systems;
- Invest in more efficient/alternatively fuelled vehicles, subsidise low emission vehicle purchases by staff.
Whether or not you decide to do any of the above, you MUST do the following in 2012 – no excuses!
- Learn some new green business skills.
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