2018: A Year of Change at Terra Infirma Ltd
Well, we’re just about to wind down for the festive period, so I thought I’d take my usual look back at the year we’re leaving behind us. And it’s been one of quite a bit of change here at Terra Infirma Towers. Here are some of the notable moments:
- We’ve brought on board some new clients, including Haremi and Kent Community Health NHS Trust as well as continuing to work with existing clients, particularly NHSBT and Johnson Matthey plc.
- We ran our usual Green Academy programme (with updates across the syllabus). You can sign up for the 2019 Taster Session 12½ Kick Ass Sustainability Ideas for 2019 here, or if you want 33% off the entire programme, click here.
- Our Green Academy Plus on demand courses have also fared well, we’ve now had over 500 students from 64 different countries which is pretty awesome.
- The Corporate Sustainability Mastermind Group has had another good year. There’s been a turnover of members, with one of our founding members taking early retirement, but the injection of new blood will bring a whole load of value to members in 2019. We still have a vacancy, if you are interested, get in touch!
- Our website has been upgraded, mainly to boil the previous smorgasbord of services down to our three main streams of work: Sustainability Strategy, Employee Engagement and Professional Development.
- And from a physical point of view, Terra Infirma Towers is expanding which means I’ve been homeless as my usual office is currently full of stuff from where the current building is taking place. This, and inevitable construction noise, has had the knock on effect of precluding new video recording for our YouTube channel, but I’ve got a tonne of ideas for 2019 when the dust literally settles on our new home.
So, a lot going on!
That just leaves it for me to wish all our readers, clients and partners a very Merry Christmas and a Sustainable New Year!