Bits & Pieces
There’s all sorts of news at Terra Infirma…
1. We’ve set up the ‘Green Business Club’ on the business networking site Ecademy for those who see environmental performance as a competitive advantage.
2. The long trailed e-book “The Green Business Bible” is in the very last stages of completeness (cover design, final proofing) and will be launched by the end of the month. Low Carbon Agenda subscribers will be eligible for a substantial discount, so make sure you are signed up – it’s free and officially “awesome”.
3. We’re in negotiation with a number of very prestigious organisations for new ‘Lean, Mean & Green’ programmes – the effective way of improving your environmental performance.
4. We’re getting a make-over in the design and branding front – although it’ll be a couple of months before you see the results.
And, it’s the start of the holiday period, so if you’re off somewhere nice, have a good’un!