Boost your business by up to 11% (honestly…)
No, this isn’t one of those spammy ‘newsletters’ from online marketing ‘experts’ you find yourself ‘signed up’ to (if they’re so good at online marketing why do they have to spam you?). Regular readers will have heard me say “go green, save money” is for amateurs and that “go green win more business” is the real driver for most businesses to improve their sustainability ranking.
The going rate for ‘green points’ in UK public sector procurement exercises appears to be about 10%. Imagine what it would do to your chances to max out on those points every time? My maths says that will give you up to 11% advantage over those who do nothing.
But this is no cheap get rich quick message. You won’t do it just by writing a policy, an environmental management system or getting some recycling bins sorted. You’ll need some really tangible proof of your commitment – think wind turbines, large solar arrays, electric vehicles, eco-buildings or wholesale eco-design of products. And you won’t be able to neglect the other 90% of procurement points either – you’ll still need to deliver a quality product or service at a competitive price.
BTW I’m currently putting together a set of workshops for the end of the month to get businesses fit to compete on green. They’ll be held in Newcastle & Teesside – more details here.
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