Business Opportunities in Climate Change Adaptation
I was running a CSR workshop with a major international engineering firm yesterday. Given the traditional engineers’ reactive (and sometimes reactionary) approach to such ‘soft issues’ (I’m an engineer – I can say this!), their proactive, progressive attitude was a breath of fresh air. Interestingly enough, as well as the business opportunities we identified in climate change mitigation (cutting emissions), we discovered they were well placed to exploit opportunities in climate change adaptation – adapting to the inevitable changes that are already in the system.
Adaptation is going to become more and more important. If someone has cooling or refrigeration plant, it is going to have to work harder and become more expensive unless you can develop innovative new solutions. Resilience to rising sea levels, floods and extreme weather events will require new engineering solutions (or relocation). Heathcare services will have to adapt to new patterns in the spread of diseases. All these changes are business opportunities for someone.
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