Catching the Sustainability Virus
During a recent piece of employee engagement work, one of the people I was speaking to likened sustainability to a virus – once it infects you, it takes you over and can spread to others. It’s a powerful analogy, however, unlike some of the horrendous real viral outbreaks around the world, many people seem to have a strong resistance to sustainability.
So how do we break down immune systems? I’ve found Green Jujitsu is a great method. In Green Jujitsu, we reframe sustainability to match each audience – their language, their worldview, their strengths. I suppose it’s a bit like the way a real virus will mutate to find a chink in its host’s armour.
If you want to learn more about Green Jujitsu then I’ll be taking part in CSRChat on Twitter, this Thursday 11th February at 7-8pm GMT. Just follow the #CSRChat hashtag and join in!