Out With The Old…
Unfortunately, due to the budget settlement, Envirowise has withdrawn their free ‘FastTrack’ and ‘DesignTrack’ visits, so we will no longer be able to offer these services to our customer base.
The eagle-eyed may also have noticed that references to the North Tyneside Resource Efficiency Club have been removed from this website. We had been waiting for a year to launch the Club, but circumstances outside our control have led to funding cancellation.
In With The New!
However, we are pleased to announce our own new services:
1. The Low Carbon Business Programme
2. Lean, Mean & Green
These are similar, but with the first focusing more on the carbon agenda, while the second is more general, covering energy, waste, raw materials and toxics. They will engage your staff to develop solutions embedded into your processes and will build capacity for you to make improvements into the future. This is a world away from the usual ‘write a fat report, submit the invoice and walk away’ approach to consultancy. Prices are on a sliding scale depending on the number of employees in the organisation. please Contact us for more details.