The easy road to employee engagement for sustainability
OK, cards on the table time. I am a very frustrated man.
- Frustrated because employee engagement/behavioural change is critically important;
- Frustrated because everybody says that they are struggling with it;
- Frustrated because Green Jujitsu is a proven way to make meaningful engagement easy, yet hardly anybody uses it, and those who do find it by trial and error.
This is despite me sending The Art of Green Jujitsu (above) to hundreds of major educational establishments and industry groups – views of the cartoon have struggled to 5,700 over two years. And if you Google ‘Green Jujitsu’, you’ll only get material produced by me or martial arts clubs. It has not caught on.
It’s not as if anyone has produced a rival philosophy of engagement, people just seem mentally stuck banging their heads against the wall and hoping they get lucky. I sometimes wonder whether there is a masochist tendency in our profession.
Make life easy.
Find the overlap between sustainability and the existing culture of the organisation/team/individual and start there.
It’s that simple.
And it works.
What have you got to lose?