Fiendish Low Carbon Quiz Answers
Every December, I produce a quiz for subscribers to The Low Carbon Agenda. Here are the answers to 2013’s 6 fiendishly difficult questions:
1. Which climate contrarian objected to peering at glossy wind turbines from his house this year?
Matt Ridley (clues “peering” – he’s a Peer in the House of Lords, “glossy” – opposite of “matt”) complained about turbines spoiling the view from his country estate.
2. Which electric car set the world (and itself) on fire this year?
Tesla Model S which saw US electric car sales rise by 447% last year but suffered bad PR when one burst into flames.
3. Why is ordering whipped cream on your Starbucks coffee no laughing matter?
The nitrous oxide, aka laughing gas, used as a propellent in the cream has a bigger carbon footprint than the roasting of the coffee.
4. Which climate envoy didn’t get to try any Polish food in Warsaw last month and why?
Yeb Sano, Head of the Filipino delegation to the COP19 fasted to draw awareness to the devastation wreaked on his homeland by Typhoon Haiyan.
5. Which climate politician’s ability to get his points across a decade ago lead to the end of his career this year?
UK Energy and Climate Change Secretary Chris Huhne went to jail for getting his wife to take the penalty points for speeding.
6. Who sweated over an extra large issue in a big climate speech this year?
President Obama’s big climate change speech in sweltering temperatures addressed head-on the issue of the XL tar sands pipeline.
So how did you do? I got a correct answer for every question, but nobody got them all right, so they were just fiendish enough!
And the winners are (drum roll):
First Place: James Dixon with 5 points
Second: Gio Bagordo also with 5 points (but James was quicker!)
Third: Ricky Alfred with 4 points
Thanks to everyone who took part!