Forthcoming new arrivals…
I’m taking break from doing the final proof edits on The Three Secrets of Green Business. This is extraordinarily tedious, but I have found one big clanger so it is necessary. Despite the tedium, I’m getting really excited. I’m organising a launch event in January – more details when I have them. In the meantime, the Green Executive is really starting to shape up and I hope to get the first draft to the publisher early in the new year.
Also coming soon is the new branding, website and Low Carbon Agenda. Just the final tweaks to go, but looking very good indeed.
Part of me worries that all this excitement is displacement activity to distract me from yet another impending new arrival. My second child is due on 1 November, although his mother’s maternal vibe is that this one could be early. So if this blog suddenly goes quiet, it probably means I’m up to my elbows in nappies again and/or taking no 1 son to the park. I intend to take two weeks semi-paternity leave – keeping things tapping along but not running any workshops or intensive pieces of work.
It’s all so exciting!