Free Your Mind, and Sustainability Success Will Follow*
We had a great Corporate Sustainability Mastermind Group Meeting last Friday – I’ll post more this Friday (I’m still writing the session up). But one comment really stuck with me over the weekend:
“The realisation that I didn’t need everybody’s buy-in, just the buy-in of those who matter [in this case], was really liberating, it really made the task achievable.”
As I keep saying, the biggest barrier to Sustainability is the space between our ears. That applies just as much to practitioners as non-practitioners. We all get hidebound by self-limiting beliefs such as ‘we have to get everybody bought into this’ – Sustainability is difficult enough without placing (almost) impossible hoops to jump through along the way.
I recently posted 10 such self-limiting beliefs on a LinkedIn article which has attracted quite a bit of attention, most of it positive but some commentators are still wedded to ideals and political dogma over practicalities. That won’t help them or anybody else move towards Sustainability.
* with apologies to George Clinton.