Most influential Sustainability books for me
I saw a post on LinkedIn yesterday asking people for their top 5 Sustainability books. I quoted the following five as the most influential in my career:
- Material Concerns, Tim Jackson – the first time I really got sustainability, now hard to find;
- Natural Capitalism – great theories (but implementation has proved a problem for the authors);
- Cradle to Cradle (ditto);
- The God Species, Mark Lynas – blows away many green sacred cows;
- Confessions of a Radical Environmentalist – by the Godfather of Corporate Sustainability, Ray Anderson, simply brilliant.
But, as a practitioner, I have found change management books as important to my career. In many ways ‘getting’ Sustainability is much easier than ‘getting to’ Sustainability. Here are my recommendations:
- Switch by Chip & Dan Heath;
- Thinking Fast & Slow by Daniel Kahneman;
- Nudge by Thaler & Sunstein.
Any to add? Bonus points if they’re any of mine!