Net Zero by 2030, 2040 or 2050 – which to choose?
This is the second Q&A episode of the podcast and the question comes from ‘Jane’ who is involved in a debate at work over the timing of Net Zero targets. Here’s what I cover in my response:
- What Net Zero really means
- The problems with going for too near a date
- The problems with going too far
- The influence of assets, leadership and culture on the target date
- When to use SBTs to underpin Net Zero
- The dangers of incrementalising Net Zero targets or SBTs
The first Q&A episode on dealing with climate change denial was really popular, so I intend to do one a month, but I need your questions and dilemmas! They can be about any Net Zero/Climate/Sustainability-related subject, but within an organisational context. Like ‘Jane’, you can choose anonymity if you prefer. Use the Contact Us tab above to send them in.
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