New Green Taxation Commission Starts Work
Source: edie
The new Green Fiscal Commission was launched on Wednesday and brings together leading politicians from all major parties, academics, industry experts, regulators and consumer watchdogs and will be chaired by Robert Napier, chairman of the Met Office and former chief executive of conservation NGO WWF.
The commission will look at ways to reward positive behaviour with tax breaks while penalising actions which have a negative impact on the environment.
It will not seek to increase tax revenue overall, but rather to shift the existing system to encourage environmentally, and economically, beneficial behaviour in business and amongst the general public.
While it will advise Government, it will be independent of it and has been funded by charitable trusts.
At first I thought that this may just be another well meaning think tank, but a look at the commissioners suggests otherwise – there are some seriously big hitters in there. I’m sure their recommendations will be taken seriously by Government and this represents another significant step to a greener economy.