Post-holiday Random Sustainability Musings
Just back at my desk after 10 days ‘down South’ camping/airbnb-ing and visiting friends/relatives. Here are a few of the thoughts that occurred to me over that time:
- While I love travelling abroad, there’s an awful lot to see in the UK (Note: ‘staycation’ = “holiday in your own house” on this blog);
- Our supply chains are remarkably inflexible – trying to get hold of roof-mounted cycle carriers, cycle spares or even camping gas this summer is remarkably difficult as everybody takes a domestic vacation. No wonder that supply chain sustainability is a constant worry of my client base;
- You can say what you like about 20th Century planning, but it did include a lot of cycle/walking routes. We could ride as a family for 20 miles in SE London right through a concrete jungle with barely a road to cross. Letchworth turns out to have a lovely off-road circular cycle route and loads of cycleways. Building Sustainability in from the start is the best way to influence behaviour;
- Both our campsite and our Airbnb urged us to “Recycle!” without stipulating what could be recycled in that local authority. Given that people travel from across the country (or from around the world in a normal year) to stay in such places, this is vital information. Vague exhortations don’t work;
- Putting five bikes on the roof of your car really kills fuel efficiency. Likewise, driving at 70 rather than 60 just gets you to the back of the next pinch point a bit quicker – tortoise and hare etc.