Are You The Real Sustainability McCoy?
One of the more illogical species of spam e-mail/cold call I receive goes “outsource your thought leadership!”
How on earth can I do that? Work with a clairvoyant? Stick a probe into my brain and transcribe the random thoughts over the web? Or, more likely, pay someone to pass some anodyne ‘content’ off as my own wisdom?
Readers of this blog, my articles and books know that I write every word myself – no plagiarism, no ghost writing, no reheated clichés – this is the real McCoy (OK, maybe the occasional cliché!)
Which brings us neatly to authenticity and sustainability. People believe what they see rather than what they are told. So no amount of posters, reports or publicity campaigns will overcome sloppy behaviour, flip flopping or dissembling from leaders and sustainability professions. If you want to change the behaviour of your colleagues, the place to start is your own.
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