Resource Crunch or Climate Change? Which keeps you awake at night?
One of the most interesting debates at last week’s Corporate Sustainability Mastermind Group (CoSM) was which is the most pressing industry for business – maintaining a sustainable supply of raw materials, water and energy, or climate change? I must admit it was a little naughty of me instigating it as there is no simple answer, but sometimes I like being a bit naughty.
It’s a tricky one because they’re quite different issues:
- A resource crunch can happen suddenly, the climate changes gradually;
- A resource crunch will affect a business directly, but climate change impacts will occur over a wide geography and will hit some individuals and organisations more than others;
- A resource crunch will have much more predictable impacts, climate change depends on lots of different factors;
- A resource crunch is arguably simpler to address through substitution, whereas climate change requires concerted effort across the globe.
- A resource crunch is much easier to understand and communicate than climate change;
- A resource crunch is more difficult to argue against than climate change (although some do try).
It may be, of course, that given the relative ease of getting action on a resource crunch, the crafty sustainability practitioner may want to use that to get a foot in the door of the boardroom and other citadels of power, and then expand the sustainability conversation to cover other issues. Sometimes it pays to be a little bit naughty.