Save the world, today!
This morning I was out plodding around my usual Monday run route when I spotted a couple of plastic packing straps on the pavement just 100m from our house and, more importantly, just 10m from the river. I wasn’t hitting any PBs today (I cycled 50+ miles yesterday and the legs were heavy) so I stopped and picked them up.
I’d already fulfilled my personal pledge to pick up one piece of plastic litter a day, but I really hate plastic loops like these or beer six-pack rings. If you’ve been watching Blue Planet II, you’ll know this is exactly the kind of litter that entangles sea life. I know this is a tiny speck of the millions of tonnes of plastic litter entering our oceans, but I’m damned if I’m going to use that as an excuse not to pull my weight.
When I got in and sat at my desk, I opened an e-mail quoting Anne Frank thus:
How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.
I’m usually impervious to motivational quotes, but I thought that was a wonderfully uplifting sentence. Yes, it will take the combined forces of industry and government to deliver a sustainable future, but there is nothing stopping any of us doing something positive right now. And, as implied by the tragic young Anne, you don’t need anybody’s permission, just do it. It could just be questioning business as usual, or it could be organising a litter pick or it could be setting up a staff environmental group.
And you might just inspire somebody else…
So what are you going to do today?