Sustainability: It’s not us against them
I’ve been blogging a lot about the politics of sustainability recently. As a part-time politician myself, I know that politics should be a battle of ideas, but all too often boils over into naked tribalism. And while I’ve been perusing the responses to many current political events – Naomi Klein’s new book, David Cameron’s speech at the UN, the green elements of Ed Miliband’s conference speech – to name but a few – the prejudices of many commentators reminded me that I’ve seen the US – who get it – against THEM – who don’t – mentality outside politics, in organisations, protests and even communities.
Green Jujtisu is an attempt to make sustainability appeal to all sides. If you are speaking to a right-leaning audience then you talk economic solutions, if they’re left leaning, then regulation or grass-roots action will probably appeal more. In some ways it doesn’t matter which route we pick – and ‘The Answer’ is probably a blend of the best of both.
As I said last week, everybody is an environmentalist – and we must look at sustainability through the eyes of all tribes – pitched battles will do more harm than good.
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