Sustainability Workshops Work (or I wouldn’t run so many)
I’m off later today to Birmingham to run a client workshop to develop a sustainability strategy. As I’ve mused before, given the number of workshops I run, I could be accused of thinking “The answer’s a workshop, now what was the question?”, but I will reach out to “The First American”, Benjamin Franklin, in my defence:
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
Too many sustainability practitioners are in the first category, some fall in the second, but only a few genuinely do the third. If you want people to ‘get’ sustainability, you’ve got to involve them, and I find the workshop is the best vehicle for this. I tend to bring in my expertise after participants have had their say, not beforehand, to polish the workshop outputs into a workable plan/strategy and fill in the gaps, but the process is as important as the output.
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