Terra Infirma News Round Up
It has been a busy and eventful week here at Terra Infirma Towers. Here are some of the highlights:
1. We are able to offer two days FREE waste consultancy to one (and one only) small/medium sized business (height restrictions apply). If you want to know more, get in touch asap as we are contacting a number of likely candidates directly.
2. I’m doing two FREE workshops on 21/22 July on behalf of Business Link – more details next week.
3. Don’t forget the FREE Virtual Working Summit 28 June – 9 July. My slot on virtual working and sustainability will be on 6 July.
4. I’m probably doing two on-line events in August on aspects of a low carbon business. More details when I have them, but there will probably be a small charge.
5. I’ve been offered a book contract by the award winning environmental specialists Earthscan for my second book, The Green Executive. I’m flat out editing and tweaking – I’ve got about 70,000 words, I just need to get them into the right order. I’m doing the last of the 18 interviews for the book on Monday. Estimated publication date: April 2011.
6. UK Environment Secretary Caroline Spelman singled the company out for praise in a newspaper article.
Phew! Have a good weekend – I will!