The most powerful tool in Sustainability engagement
Last Wednesday I ran a workshop to upskill Sustainability Champions at one of my clients. This week I’ve been writing up the results, a rather laborious task as the 12 champions present produced a whopping 320 Post-Its, with one idea on each. That means that each delegate averaged over 26 thoughts about Sustainability in just over half a day.
Just think about that. 26 separate ideas per person.
OK, a very small number were jokes, we got a few duplicates (the ‘ratcheting’ workshop structure I used minimises duplication), a larger number were statements of the obvious, but a substantial number were truly insightful, meaning the delegates really had to think through the issues and how they applied to the organisation. That is true engagement; you won’t get that with an awareness poster!
This is why the workshop is at the core of my consultancy business. I truly believe it is the most powerful tool in Sustainability engagement.
[If you want to see how I run such successful workshops, check out our Workshop Facilitation Masterclass, which explains the powerful ‘ratcheting’ structure I used last week.]