Trust – the magic ingredient
Do people trust you?
Do they believe you will do what you say you will do?
Do they believe you are telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
Well if you are serious about green business or corporate social responsibility, then trust is the magic ingredient. To facilitate change inside the organisation as a Green Executive, you must be trusted as an individual. To reap the rewards of green business in your marketplace and indeed the jobs market, your organisation must be trusted.
Marks & Spencer is a trusted brand. Its Plan A sustainability programme was developed to protect that trust in the 21st Century.
Apple is trusted to create great products, but it is not trusted on green issues or supply chain working conditions.
Leadership guru Warren Bennis lists Bennis lists five Cs for trust:
- Competence: the technical and managerial competence to engage properly and deliver on promises;
- Constancy: that you can be relied upon to do what you says you will do, even when the going gets tough;
- Caring: stakeholders have to feel that their welfare is of genuine concern;
- Candour: openness, transparency and honesty;
- Congruity (or authenticity).
How many do you score on? How many would your boss get? The organisation?
If you’ve got it, cherish, nourish and protect it – it is priceless.