Where's My Integrity?
Sometimes it’s a bit strange being A Blogger.
I blog to share ideas, refine my thinking and, yes, help market the business – but mainly because I enjoy it. But the wider PR world sees bloggers in a strange way.
I get bombarded with extraordinarily banal press releases – and no, I’m not going to regurgitate BigShedSupermarket’s incremental achievements in reducing packaging just because you’ve put me on your mailing list. Engaging with social media this is not.
I get people ringing asking me if I want to “outsource my thought leadership.” Uh? How is that even possible?
And occasionally I get offered cash to mention a product in my blogs. The last one even asked me how much I would charge to include a reference to an unspecified product. Reader, I’m sorry to say I sold out. I asked for a gazillion pounds. I’m still waiting for a reply.
Integrity. Doing what you say you will do. Putting your cards on the table. Being trustworthy. It’s not really that difficult. If you are forced to compromise on a promise, ‘fess up and explain why. Don’t try to brave it out – because integrity’s easily lost. And how can you claim environmental and/or social responsibility if you don’t have integrity?