Why Sustainability WILL survive Trump, welcoming the ESG backlash and the Batman paradox – John Friedman
So we are on the cusp of the second inauguration of Donald Trump, an event which brings staggering levels of uncertainty to a huge number of global issues, not least Sustainability. So I thought it would be the perfect time to catch up with one of the most perceptive and lauded commentators on Sustainability in the US, John Friedman.
John explains why he believes Sustainability will survive Trump, why the backlash against the march of Sustainability is both inevitable and welcome, and explains the Bruce Wayne/Batman paradox. It’s not all politics, we talk about John’s book, Managing Sustainability: First Steps to First Class. , the emerging role of ‘Fractional CSO’ and why your employees should be your first audience.
If you’re feeling the January blues, this interview will put some cheer back in your belly!
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