Green: The New Normal
If I told you about a country where, last quarter, more than a third of all electricity was generated from low carbon sources, which one do you think I’d be talking about?
Well I’m sat in it, and so are many of you: dear old Blighty.
Household recycling rates are nudging the 45-50% mark, depending on where you are in the country.
All this from what was ‘the dirty man of Europe’? The one where renewable sources barely registered on energy statistics just a couple of years ago? The one with the throw-away culture?
As Fat Boy Slim would say, we’ve come a long way, baby.
What’s interesting is that nobody has really noticed. Green is becoming the new normal. So much so that some organic food/drink producers now don’t label their product as such in case consumers assume it’s a niche product at a premium price. They just want it to be seen as a great product in a normal way.
And that’s a good thing.
Some green ideologues may cry foul, saying that that this isn’t deep green enough, but asking people to live in tie-dyed yurts, meditating on ley lines and knitting yoghurt, will get you nowhere.
Normal, everyday, mundane even – that’s the ultimate green goal.
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