Low Carbon Business Seminar – 26 June 2008
I’m giving a seminar on developing, marketing and selling low carbon products and services in London next month. The seminar is part of the Low Carbon Innovation Exchange which is a fantastic forum for sharing knowledge with the low carbon business community.
If you register for my seminar in the morning, you will:
– discover the business case for going beyond compliance.
– learn what makes a product or service a low carbon product or service.
– discover which markets are booming and why.
– learn how to market and sell your low carbon products & services.
– find out what the risks are, and how to avoid them.
Plus you will benefit from one-to-one meetings and round table discussions all afternoon in the Exchange.
There’s a 25% early bird discount, so click here now for more details and to register on-line.
I look forward to seeing you there!