BP’s Bumblebrag Greenwash
As an avid podcast listener as well as host, episodes of my favourite shows are often interrupted by an actor intoning that BP is now...
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As an avid podcast listener as well as host, episodes of my favourite shows are often interrupted by an actor intoning that BP is now...
Amongst all the standard spam I get, every so often I get people contacting me because they think I may pitch their product to my...
...we're bound to keep making the same mistakes over and over again. About 15-20 years ago, a local regeneration body tasked the team I ran...
Yesterday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson bullishly overrode the opinions of the expert sitting next to him and told a group of schoolkids that recycling "doesn't...
I remember reading an article entitled "We Won't Achieve Sustainability without Mindfulness." Over the next few weeks, many more appeared as green think pieces. Now,...
During my holiday, the Guardian published an article on what individuals could do to tackle the climate crisis. Almost every point was to lobby somebody...
One thing, amongst many others, that bugs me about the green movement, is its determination to stay firmly inside its comfort zone of a liberal-left...
This week, a tweet appeared on my timeline saying "Capitalism created climate change, only socialism can fix it!" I fired back with the Guardian research...
Oh dear. Nothing like a journalist who doesn't understand statistics– or deliberately misunderstands them in search of a cheap headline. Arwa Mahdawi, writing in today's...
Like a big chunk of the population, my time, energy and sanity are currently being stretched to breaking point by the increasing expectations of clients...
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