BP’s Bumblebrag Greenwash
As an avid podcast listener as well as host, episodes of my favourite shows are often interrupted by an actor intoning that BP is now making 23% of its investments in transition energy, up from 3% in 2019. Every single time I hear it, my brain inserts one of those ‘rip the needle off a vinyl record’ sounds. Hold on…
Let’s go through this. 23% investment in clean energy means 77% in dirty energy. And of course we are talking investment, not revenue. So they are boasting about spending three times as much cash locking us into a high carbon future as they are building a Sustainability energy system for the future. How is that in anyway good?
BP are clearly proud of ramping up the ambition, but this isn’t so much being ‘less bad’ as being ‘less terrible’. As for the slogan “And, not or”, that is just scientific bollocks, like an obese person ordering a salad alongside extra large fish and chips and thinking that is somehow going to help them lose weight. It is very much a case of ‘or’ and we’d better get used to it.
Glad to get that off my chest. But at least I’ve got a new case study for Wednesday’s Green Communications and Marketing webinar…