Green Business Still Has Some Growing Up To Do
I found this article on organic food production in the Guardian both interesting and disturbing. Interesting in its discussion of the whys and wherefores of organic food production. Disturbing in that I hadn’t realised that Soil Association Standards promote homeopathy as a means to animal welfare.
Let’s be blunt – homeopathy is bunk. No-one who believes in homeopathy can criticise climate change deniers for twisting scientific evidence. Diluting a substance to one part in a trillion? Water has memory? Give me a break.
Over the last decade or two, green business has been throwing off the shackles of the weird, wacky and snake oil salesmen and positioning itself in the mainstream. After all, if we want to achieve ecological sustainability our efforts have to be embedded into the mainstream, not mired in a freak zone of yurts, whale music and healing crystals. So it pains me to find one of the best established eco-labels in the world actively promoting the steaming pile of New Age-y horse manure that is homeopathy.
Clearly we still have some distance left to go.