Are Climate Optimists *Really* Worse than Climate Deniers?
I haven't read Hannah Ritchie's new book "Not the End of the World" yet, but to be honest, I'm already jealous of it as it...
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I haven't read Hannah Ritchie's new book "Not the End of the World" yet, but to be honest, I'm already jealous of it as it...
There are reports this morning of scuffles between Insulate Britain climate protesters, who had blocked a roundabout on the M25, and drivers trying to get...
Yesterday, I turned 50. I know, I don't look a day over 49. Mrs K had planned to whisk me away to Paris by Eurostar...
On Friday I spent the morning sitting on the Newcastle Council Climate Committee hearing evidence from experts on the scale of the climate issue and...
Regular readers will know I wear (at least) two Sustainability hats– here as a consultant and politically as the Opposition Spokesman for Sustainability on Newcastle...
At the weekend the Guardian was running a climate special. In one article, they asked climate experts what they were doing personally to cut their...
"... how about starting with switching off the lights when you leave a room?" Silence. "You mean..." ventured the middle one. "Yes, if you're serious...
I'm sure every Sustainability professional gets their fair share of interesting communications from the whole spectrum of eco-eccentrics ranging from mad inventors – "I've solved...
Yesterday I was talking to somebody who was lauding the kerbside recycling system in the London borough where they used to live compared to what...
We asked our kids whether they were interested in last week's children's climate strike and got a series of noncommittal grunts in reply. While we...
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